Sunday, November 12, 2006

CAL Islam Awareness Week

I received the information about these speakers from Ahmad, my contact with the Muslim Students Association. Unfortunately the ones I would really want to go to are Monday and Tuesday nights and Monday night I'll be at the Dumb Ox (7:30pm... all the cool people will be there) and Tuesday night I have class. But I'm passing on the dates in case anyone is interested.


Come find the answers to your questions during Islam Awareness Week!

The following are the different events we will be holding throughout the week:

- What makes a successful Jihad?--Monday (11/13) - 7 pm, 110 Barrows
-Muslim Women: Unveiling the Truth--Tuesday (11/14) - 7 pm, 2060 VLSB
- Spoken Word: The Voice of Silence with Amir Sulaiman--Wednesday (11/15) - 8 pm, Naia Lounge in Lower Sproul
- The Truth about Palestine--Thursday (11/16) - 7 pm, 2040 VLSB
- The Jumuah Friday Prayer - The Quran: Applications in Daily Life--Friday (11/17) - 1:15 pm, East Pauley Ballroom

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